Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre as Alterações Climáticas

Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Alterações Climáticas

Estamos a pouco mais de seis dias para o início da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Alterações Climáticas , que se realiza entre os dias 7 e 18 de Dezembro de 2009 em Copenhaga (capital dinamarquesa). Esta conferência “tem como principal objectivo a celebração de um acordo internacional global que permita reduzir as emissões nos países desenvolvidos, limitar o aumento das emissões nos países em desenvolvimento e financiar as acções destinadas a mitigar os efeitos das alterações climáticas e os esforços de adaptação desenvolvidos pelos países pobres” e da qual se espera um acordo para substituir o Protocolo de Quioto, que expira em 2012.

The United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen (COP 15) will be a turning point in the fight to prevent climate disaster. The science demands it, the economics support it, future generations require it. In early December, negotiators, ministers and world leaders will assemble in the Danish capital to give the people of all nations a strong answer to this common, global threat of climate change.

At Copenhagen, governments must reach agreement on all the essential elements of a comprehensive, fair and effective deal on climate change, that both ensures long-term commitments and launches immediate action. We have the opportunity now to shape our common future and that of generations to come, for the better.

Climate change is a terrible threat, but beating climate change is a historic opportunity to turn humanity onto a path of sustainable growth for everyone. The solutions to climate change will vitalize economies, stabilise environments, and build secure, fairer, more innovative societies. Not only must we act, it makes no sense not to act.

In September, at the UN climate change summit in New York, over 100 world leaders stood up and committed to seal a successful Copenhagen climate deal. The world now expects its leaders and the negotiations to deliver the ambitious outcome needed to turn the tide.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Danish government for its generous invitation to host this fifteenth United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and the enormous commitment and work it has shown to make it a success. The time for climate action is now, at Copenhagen.

Yvo de Boer
UNFCCC Executive Secretary

Entretanto sugiro-vos a leitura de um documento (Alterações Climáticas: dos pontos essenciais para um acordo justo, ambicioso e vinculativo em Copenhaga) da Quercus, assim como uma visita ao respectivo blogue.

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