11th World Congress on Environmental Health

Vai realizar-se, entre 5 e 10 de Setembro de 2010, em Vancouver, Canadá, o 11.º Congresso Internacional de Saúde Ambiental (11th World Congress on Environmental Health) promovido pela International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) em conjunto com o Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) e cujo tema genérico é Global Health Protection From Sea to Sky.

Este será mais um evento internacional de primordial importância para a Saúde Ambiental e onde, com certeza, a Saúde Ambiental nacional se fará representar.

Our theme Global Health Protection From Sea to Sky provides a broad platform from which we will explore universal challenges to environmental health in an era of increasing globalization.

Keeping true to our motto “Educate, Innovate, Advocate”, attendees will be provided with up-to-date information on the latest innovations and strategies in health protection by focusing on core competencies in a number of thematic areas including:

  • Food safety
  • Promotion of active living & healthy communities
  • Sustainable communities & environments (air quality, water quality, and climate change)
  • Disaster preparedness and emergency response
  • Occupational health, risk and injury prevention
  • Uniformed Services Health Protection
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Environmental Health
  • Environmental health management
  • Core Competencies for Environmental Public Health Professionals
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