Current Research Issues in Occupational and Environmental Exposure in Portugal and Europe, Part 2

Em novembro último, apresentámos aqui o primeiro daqueles que seriam os dois números especiais do Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (JTEH), da Taylor & Francis, intitulado “Current Research Issues in Occupational and Environmental Exposure in Portugal and Europe“,  preenchido na integra com artigos apresentados no ICEH 2012 –  International Congress on Environmental Health 2012 (sítio oficial do ICEH 2012).

Hoje, quatro meses depois, chegou o momento de vos apresentarmos o segundo número que só vem, mais uma vez, dar valor e mérito científico àquele evento e aos trabalhos ali apresentados.

Aqui ficam as hiperligações para os artigos publicados neste número especial(mente) dedicado a nós (Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues Volume 76Issue 4-5, 2013, Special Issue: Current research issues in occupational and environmental exposure in Portugal and Europe, Part 2).

Cytogenetic and Immunological Effects Associated with Occupational Formaldehyde Exposure
Solange Costa, Julia García-Lestón, Marta Coelho, Patrícia Coelho, Carla Costa, Susana Silva, Beatriz Porto, Blanca Laffon & João Paulo Teixeira

Occupational Exposure to Poultry Dust and Effects on the Respiratory System in Workers
S. Viegas, V. M. Faísca, H. Dias, A. Clérigo, E. Carolino & C. Viegas

Impact of Sahara Dust Transport on Cape Verde Atmospheric Element Particles
M. Almeida-Silva, S. M. Almeida, M. C. Freitas, C. A. Pio, T. Nunes & J. Cardoso

Impact of Maritime Air Mass Trajectories on the Western European Coast Urban Aerosol
S. M. Almeida, A. I. Silva, M. C. Freitas, H. M. Dzung, A. Caseiro & C. A. Pio

Cyanobacteria Toxicity: Potential Public Health Impact in South Portugal Populations
Fernando Bellém, Susana Nunes & Manuela Morais

Fungal Contamination in Swine: A Potential Occupational Health Threat
C. Viegas, E. Carolino, R. Sabino, S. Viegas & C. Veríssimo

Molecular Modifications Induced by Inorganic Arsenic in Vicia faba Investigated by FTIR, FTNIR Spectroscopy and Genotoxicity Testing
P. Boccia, C. Meconi, M. Mecozzi & E. Sturchio

Effects of Gamma Radiation on Raspberries: Safety and Quality Issues
S. Cabo Verde, M. J. Trigo, M. B. Sousa, A. Ferreira, A. C. Ramos, I. Nunes, C. Junqueira, R. Melo, P. M. P. Santos & M. L. Botelho

Neurodegenerative Changes in Rat Produced by Lithium Treatment
Mashenka Dimitrova, Emilia Petrova, Yordanka Gluhcheva, Dimitar Kadiysky, Stella Dimitrova, Vera Kolyovska & Denislava Deleva

Effects of Occupational Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: Is There a Link Between Environmental Exposure and Disease?
Solange A. Pacheco, Vukosava M. Torres, Henriqueta Louro, Filomena Gomes, Carlos Lopes, Nelson Marçal, Elsa Fragoso, Carla Martins, Cátia L. Oliveira, Manuela Hagenfeldt, António Bugalho-Almeida, Deborah Penque & Tânia Simões

Effects of Cadmium and Monensin on Spleen of Mice, Subjected to Subacute Cadmium Intoxication
Yordanka Gluhcheva, Juliana Ivanova, Sonja Ganeva & Mariana Mitewa

Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort—Results of a Pilot Study in Elderly Care Centers in Portugal
Ana Mendes, Cristiana Pereira, Diana Mendes, Lívia Aguiar, Paula Neves, Susana Silva, Stuart Batterman & João Paulo Teixeira