Indoor Air 2014

Irá decorrer no mês de julho deste ano o 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014).

Indoor Air 2014

O  Indoor Air 2014 é um evento que terá lugar em Hong Kong entre os dias 7 e 12 de julho de 2014 e os eventuais interessados em apresentar comunicações orais ou posters deverão submeter os seus resumos até ao dia 14 de fevereiro.

New chemical pollutants and microorganisms found in indoor air, frontier technologies such as wireless and smartphone sensors, challenges in energy efficiency, climate change, urbanization and sustainability… will all be featured under the theme “healthy indoor air for a sustainable built environment” in Indoor Air 2014.

Indoor Air is the official conference of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate, ISIAQ. The triennial Indoor Air conference series was started in 1978 in Copenhagen.

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