EcoHelper: Environmental Health Advice and Help

É no EcoHelper: Environmental Health Advice and Help que uma professora universitária de saúde ambiental que pretende tornar facilmente acessível a informação referente à saúde ambiental de forma a ajudar as pessoas a tomar decisões conscientes e informadas (será isto empoderamento, do inglês empowerment?) coloca questões que lhe têm sido feitas e dá as suas respostas.

Helen Suh de seu nome e que se apresenta assim:

«I am a professor of environmental health at Harvard University. I am a great believer in making information about environmental problems easily accessible, so that anyone can make informed decisions about their environment. To make it easier to get this information, I am posting questions that I receive in my work and my responses. My responses are simply my interpretation of available information.»

Sugiro-vos uma visita a este blogue e, porque não, colocar-se uma questão para ver o que dali virá??

The Pump Handle

The Pump Handle: A water cooler for the public health crowd” é um blogue cuja visita frequente aconselho a todos os Técnicos de Saúde Ambiental e Médicos de Saúde Pública.

“The Pump Handle is a place for people interested in public health and the environment to discuss the issues that interest us, particularly when they’re not getting the treatment we think they deserve in the mainstream media.”

International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH)

Foi deambulando por aí que descobrimos a International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), ficando a saber um pouco mais acerca das organizações que a constituem e que oportunamente iremos visitar, fazendo, nessa altura, alusão aos conteúdos que eventualmente lá iremos encontrar.
Entretanto, acerca da IFEH – e sem tradução – referimos que ela trabalha para «disseminate knowledge concerning environmental health and promote co-operation between countries where environmental health issues are transboundary. It promotes the interchange of people working in this sector and the exchange of Member’s publications of a scientific and technical nature.

Amongst other things, the Federation seeks to provide means of exchanging information and experience on environmental health, to hold Congresses and meetings to discuss subjects relevant to environmental health science and administration, to represent the interests of environmental health to state agencies, national governments and international organisations and to promote field studies of environmental health control.

The Federation is an organisation whose full members are national associations representing the interests of environmental health professionals throughout the World. Applications forms for membership can be downloaded from the member section.

Other organisations with an interest in environmental health may become associate members. Organisations, which are involved in the educational field (for instance Universities training environmental health professionals) are eligible to become Academic Associate Members. Other bodies with an interest in environmental health (such as regional associations, NGOs, etc) may become Associate Members. Applications forms for these classes of membership can be downloaded from the member section

Vejam mais acerca da IFEH aqui.

As organizações de Saúde Ambiental no Mundo

Por ordem alfabética…

Association Nationale des Ingenieurs du Genie Sanitaire (ANIGS)
Association of Public Health Officers – Kenya
Australian Institute of Environmental Health (AIEH)
Botswana Environmental Health Officers Association
Bundesverband der Lebensmittelkontrolleure
Environmental Health Institute of Zambia
Environmental Health Officers’ Association – EHOA Ireland
Environmental Health Officers Association of Malawi
Environmental Health Society of Nigeria (EHSoN)
Finnish Communal Association of Environmental Health and Protection
Forum for Miljø og Helse – FMH Norway
German Federal Association of Food Safety and Consumer protection
Hong Kong Public Health Inspector’s Association
Jamaican Association of Public Health Inspectors
Latvian Association of Preventive Medicine (LAPM)
Liberia Association of Public Health Inspectors
Lithuanian Union of Hygienists & Epidemiologists
Malaysian Association of Environmental Health
Malta Association of Environmental Health Officers (MAEHO)
New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health Inc
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
Rwanda Association of Environmental Health
Sociedad Española de Sanidad Ambiental
Associação Nacional de Saúde Ambiental
Sociedade Portuguesa de Saúde Ambiental
Society of Environmental Health – Singapore
South African Institute for Environmental Health
Tanzanian Association of Health Inspectors
The Association of Health Inspectors Cyprus
The Association of the Health Inspectorate Cadre in Mauritius
The Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
The Danish Association of Environment and Nature Protection Officers – ENVINA Denmark
The Dutch Association of Foodinspectors
The Environmental Health Workers Association of Uganda
The Federal Austrian Association of Food Safety and Consumer Protection
The National Environmental Health Association
The Public Health Inspectors Union of Sri Lanka
The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland
The Swedish Association of Environmental Health Professionals
Zimbabwe Environmental Health Practitioners Association

Iremos, sempre que possível, aumentando a lista de organizações com interesse nesta área e actualizando as respectivas hiperligações (a existirem). Se porventura conhecerem algumas, referenciem-nas para o Saúde Ambiental….…

Aqui irão ser adicionados periodicamente, e sempre que a disponibilidade o permitir, hiperligações a sítios relevantes no âmbito da Saúde Ambiental, mas que não cabem em qualquer tema genérico à direita. Se souberes de sítios que gostasses de ver aqui, manda uma mensagem de correio electrónico para o Saúde Ambiental… com o assunto “…” ou coloca um comentário, com a respectiva hiperligação.
Para que seja mais fácil aceder a este espaço, irá ser criada uma hiperligação na área temática Saúde Pública – Saúde Ambiental.

Universidade da Água
Freshwater Website
Americam Water Works Association
World Water Council
O Portal da Água
Global Water Partnership
Water Environment Federation
The World’s Water
Office Internationale de l’Eau
Water Research Center

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
Pacific Institute for Studies Development, Environment and Security: Global Change Program
Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change

United Nations Industrial Development Organization
World Health Organization: International Programme on Chemical Safety
WWF: Toxic Chemicals

Sociedade Ponto Verde

Saúde Pública de Vila Verde

«Sejam bem vindos ao blog do Serviço de Saúde Pública do Concelho de Vila Verde! Aqui pretendemos partilhar informações, trocar opiniões, divulgar actividades e, sobretudo, contribuir para a melhoria do actual estado de saúde dos habitantes do Concelho de Vila Verde.»

É assim que um serviço público de saúde, neste caso o de Saúde Pública do concelho de Vila Verde, se apresenta aos internautas.

Em forma de agradecimento pela hiperligação ali criada para o Saúde Ambiental – Desempenhos de um Técnico de Saúde Ambiental deixo aqui uma ligação recíproca.