Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

Entre está a decorrer em Milão, Itália, entre ontem (dia 10) e o dia 12 de Março de 2008, a primeira sessão preparatória para a 5ª Conferência Ministrial de Ambiente e Saúde, promovida pela OMS, que se realizará no ano 2009.

Dos documentos de trabalho, fizeram-me chegar um via correio electrónico, que dá pelo título “Ensuring public health reform through re-organizing, streamlining, upgrading and strengthening the performance of the population-based health services for Environment and Health“, cuja leitura recomendo e onde se pode ler, por exemplo:

“the public health capacity needed for response is decidedly insufficient in many countries, and should be strengthened”.

“There has been subsequent underinvestment in the development of relevant skills and in the information systems on which modern public health depends”.

“ensuring public health reform through re-organizing, streamlining, upgrading and strengthening the performance of the population-based services for Environment and Health”.


Cortesia da colega Sandra Moreira.