Já está disponível o primeiro daqueles que serão os dois números especiais do Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (JTEH), da Taylor & Francis, intitulado “Current Research Issues in Occupational and Environmental Exposure in Portugal and Europe“, preenchido na integra com artigos apresentados no ICEH 2012 – International Congress on Environmental Health 2012 (sítio oficial do ICEH 2012), um evento que recordamos aqui ter sido organizado pela área científica de Saúde Ambiental da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) em conjunto com a Associação Nacional de Saúde Ambiental, tendo como co-organizadores as áreas/departamentos congéneres das Escolas de Beja, Coimbra e Porto.

This special issue of JTEH reports some of the work presented in the 2nd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2012) held in May/June 2012 at the Higher School of Health Technology of Lisbon, Portugal.
The congress intended to contribute to research promotion in different topics, namely, air pollution, indoor air, food safety, occupational health, environmental toxicology, and public health. We hope this congress will also contribute to exchange of scienti?c knowledge on these topics and support identi?cation of future research needs in these areas.
In this special issue, important ?ndings in the ?eld were presented in the congress, and this publication will provide scienti?c information to the scienti?c community in Portugal and globally.
Support for this congress was provided by His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, representative of the interest in the promotion of international scienti?c events related to the prevention of disease and promotion of health. In addition, it is also important to mention the relevance of ?nancial support given by Portuguese research funding agencies to some of the studies presented, namely, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho (ACT), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG), and others.
Finally, we express our gratitude to those in the environmental health scienti?c area from the Higher School of Health Technology of Lisbon for all their effort and dedication to the ICEH2012 congress and also to Professor Sam Kacew, editor-in-chief of JTEH, for his contribution to promoting scienti?c discussion and encouraging students to actively participate in the congress.
Entretanto deixamos aqui as hiperligações para os artigos publicados neste número especial(mente) dedicado a nós (Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues Volume 75, Issue 22-23, 2012, Special Issue: Current research issues in occupational and environmental exposure in Portugal and Europe).
On The Assessment of Exposure to Airborne Ultrafine Particles in Urban Environments
João Fernando Pereira Gomes, João Carlos Moura Bordado & Paula Cristina Silva Albuquerque
Occupational Exposure to Aflatoxin (AFB1) in Poultry Production
Susana Viegas, Luisa Veiga, Joana Malta-Vacas, Raquel Sabino, Paula Figueiredo, Ana Almeida, Carla Viegas & Elisabete Carolino
Fungal Contamination of Poultry Litter: A Public Health Problem
C. Viegas, E. Carolino, J. Malta-Vacas, R. Sabino, S. Viegas & C. Veríssimo
Occurrence of Cryptosporidium in a Wastewater Treatment Plant in North Germany
Caroline Ajonina, Christopher Buzie, Irene U. Ajonina, Alexander Basner, Heiko Reinhardt, Holger Gulyas, Eva Liebau & Ralf Otterpohl
Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Archives: A Snapshot on Exposure Levels
A. C. Pinheiro, C. Viegas, S. Viegas, C. Veríssimo, J. Brandão & M. F. Macedo
Could Houseplants Improve Indoor air Quality in Schools?
P. N. Pegas, C. A. Alves, T. Nunes, E. F. Bate-Epey, M. Evtyugina & C. A. Pio
Occupational Exposure to Aspergillus by Swine and Poultry Farm Workers in Portugal
R. Sabino, V. M. Faísca, E. Carolino, C. Veríssimo & C. Viegas
Integration of Biomonitoring and Instrumental Techniques to Assess the air Quality in An Industrial Area Located in the Coastal of Central Asturias, Spain
Susana Marta Almeida, Joana Lage, Maria do Carmo Freitas, Ana Isabel Pedro, Tiago Ribeiro, Alexandra Viana Silva, Nuno Canha, Marina Almeida-Silva, Timóteo Sitoe, Isabel Dionisio, Sílvia Garcia, Gonçalo Domingues, Julia Perim de Faria, Beatriz González Fernández, Diane Ciaparra & Hubert T. Wolterbeek
Incidence of Aflatoxin M1 in Human and Animal Milk in Jordan
Sharaf S. Omar
Fungal and Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds Exposure Assessment in a Waste Sorting Plant
J. Malta-Vacas, S. Viegas, R. Sabino & C. Viegas
Cobalt-Induced Changes in the Spleen of Mice from Different Stages of Development
Yordanka Gluhcheva, Vasil Atanasov, Juliana Ivanova & Mariana Mitewa
Levels and Indoor–Outdoor Relationships of Size-Specific Particulate Matter in Naturally Ventilated Portuguese Schools
Joana Madureira, Inês Paciência & Eduardo de Oliveira Fernandes
Environmental Risk Assessment of Arsenic and Fluoride in the Chaco Province, Argentina: Research Advances
Edgar E. Buchhamer, Patricia S. Blanes, Rosa M. Osicka & M. Cecilia Giménez