Irá ter lugar em Lisboa, de 11 a 14 de Julho deste ano, a Conferência Global sobre Aquecimento Global (Global Conference on Global Warming 2011).
Os potenciais interessados em submeter resumos devem fazê-lo até ao fim do mês de Janeiro.
Changes resulting from anthropogenic activities are both impacting Global Warming and the Quality of the Atmosphere. With the industrial, transport and agricultural revolutions, air quality degraded first locally, and sequentially at regional, continental and global levels; an example of global pollution is the destruction of the ozone layer.
Air quality and global warming are intimately connected and interdependent. Sources, processes and compounds that are responsible for the degradation of the quality of the atmosphere are also important agents in the thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere, on climatic change and global warming. Natural and anthropogenically induced activities, such as biomass burning, industry, energy production and transportation, increase continuously the emissions into the atmosphere of compounds that have an intervention in both the degradation quality of the atmosphere and the climate. Most physical and chemical processes happening in the atmosphere impact simultaneously in the two areas: gas to particle conversion of aerosols, photochemical formation of ozone and changes in the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere are examples. Compounds such as aerosols, tropospheric ozone and methane are important agents in air quality and climate change.
The objective of this special section is to present and discuss the processes and pollutants intervening in the degradation of atmospheric quality at regional and global levels, especially those that have a simultaneous role in air quality and climatic change. Contributing papers dealing with anthropogenic and natural sources of pollutants and precursors, transport and deposition processes, and transformation mechanisms in the atmosphere are welcome in the section.